Warband horses in inventory
Warband horses in inventory

warband horses in inventory

If I go on horseback even a fucking pleb like me can go 10-1 fairly easily just by being cautious. Hell, everyone knows how shit I am at this game, I'm only a good archer really and not even so good at that. Archers would actually have a reason to shoot at cavalry, and throwing weapons were a lot more dangerous, couldn't just tank them with your face like usually. If the decrease is not too radical, it can easily be combined with other options though a major speed nerf would be huge. Decreasing the speed of wounded horses is a big, big hammer to the face but sadly it's needed.

warband horses in inventory

Interupting their attacking while horse being reared means that they can't lolstab you in the face (possibly instakilling you) and bugger off when they run into a pike, another HUGE problem.

warband horses in inventory

Disallowing riders to do things while jumping (blocking!!) is a big thing, they can still be hurt without their shield magically catching the hit. I personally voted for options 2 and 4, I support 3 as well but for some reason I missed it (hell, might be all this beer I'm drinking, who knows). In what way is cavalry nerfed? They take damage from being dismounted? K den Cav is already nerfed as fuck.You are nerfing every fking class except 2h.Nerf archery,nerf crossbow,nerf horse archery,and now nerf cav.

Warband horses in inventory